Spring is here! Its so warm and beautiful outside! I can't wait to go for a ride on that bike thing or lay out in the sun on my bunny bed! It just makes you feel so much better when it's sunny and warm and you don't have to put 800 layers on to go outside! I am so happy right now! My baseball bat is coming along nicely. I can't believe my twins are already playing again. I hope we are able to capture that championship this year! In my world, its my favorite time of year. Why you say? Its almost Easter! Everyone loves this holiday. Religious or not, its a fun time. New life, new beginnings and chocolate! Lots and lots of my pals stop by to play with me too. I love all the new carrots and beans I get from everyone. Everywhere I go I find new baskets of stuff someone has left for me. I also see a lot more eggs this time of year. I am not a huge fan of them normally, but these ones seem to be special. They aren't your normal eggs with yolks inside. These ones have candy and treats in them. I don't know what kind of chickens they come from, but I wish they came around more often! I really wish it was Easter now, so I could have some ice cream, but I guess I will settle for something else. Have a Hoppy day everyone!