"...cheer for the Minnesota TWINS today!" I had so much fun a few days ago when my owner brought me to a twins game. These guys hit balls really far and then try to run in a diamond shape as fast as they can before the other team catches it or tags them with it. It was a good game even though we lost. Too many fans for the other team though!! The weather lately has been great. nice, warm sunshine keeps me a very happy bunny! The last few days have been cloudy, but sun is just around the corner! I have been playing my guitar to keep me occupied lately, but I'm not very good. I just want to be able to play a few songs at least. It is hard being so small though trying to get things right. I am still trying to finish my canoe. I am having trouble finishing the bottom of it. I don't know what I will do! Ok, well I am going to go down to the lake and enjoy the night. Going to be a busy weekend for me! Love to all!
P.S. Any ideas on adventures I should take? Leave me a note and you may just see me out and about trying it out!