Oh what a vacation I had! I met this great guy named Mickey! He was full of all sorts of wonderful information. I got to see a giant golf ball, I got to travel around the world, travel through the magic of movies, and go to the happiest place on earth! It was a very busy week full of fun and adventure. It was a bit chilly however. I didn't think it ever got to 31 degrees in Florida, but I guess I was wrong! Although a bit nippy, it made for some very short lines at some amazing rides. I saw singing pirates, birds and little people. I floated on boats and I sped down tracks. I was on planes, boats, buses, monorails and trains all in the same week. I had ice cream and waffles, chocolate mousse and chicken nuggets, and yes even some gummy bears! Fireworks, lights and music kept me going even when I was getting a little sleepy. There were so many things I got to do and so many memories and unforgettable moments that I got two share with two great friends. It was a great adventure and I can't wait to do it all again. Time to fly!