I can't believe its already November! Its seems like just yesterday I was canoeing in the lake and now I am getting ready to eat turkey and play with my winter pals again. This past week I was outside with all the leaves. There must be millions and millions of them out there. A bunny like myself can get lost very easily in those piles. I made sure to wear colorful clothing so people could see me. I can't wait for it to snow, then everyone can find me! Ok, I also get to build a snowman and go sledding too, but I have to make it sound important to others. White, cold, fluffy snow, what could be better and more fun than that this time of year? I love frolicking in the snow! I know, I am a very weird bunny, but you already knew that right? I have also been doing some more modeling lately. My owner has gone picture happy again and who doesn't love a cute, adorable, precious bunny; I mean really? Hopefully those pics will be all tuned up and ready to go soon so you can see them all! I am in the midst of redesigning my blog so it will be easier for you all to keep up with me and my adventures. I have so many pictures to share and ramblings that I know you will all love to read! Oh did I mention there is only 280 more days till the state fair? You know you all wanted to know that! I think I need to start working on my sled for this winter. I can't wait for the first great snowfall to play in. Hopefully the sled building is easier than the canoe. Ok, well I must be off. I have to make my black Friday shopping list and start my new project. I have way to much energy tonight for my own good! I hope everyone has a swell end to the week. Remember to eat lots of carrots and chocolate! Yes, they are good together!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
California Dreams..................

Hello again! I am back from my wonderful adventure to the ocean! It took some time to get the time change thing to work out for me, but I think I got it! I had a wonderful adventure. I got to hang with some cute baby kangaroos(joeys), went to a tower, a swirly, twirly street and over a big red bridge. I even got to spend a day having some wine! I like wine! The weather was a bit chilly, but it was ok. The ocean was so beautiful!!! To be able to see it right out my window every night was truly amazing. I went with my owner on a hike up the nearby cliff and the view from the top was even more incredible! I felt so tall on the top of the cliff. I also met some other animals on my adventure. They were kind of loud and made a lot of noise. I think you call them seals or something. I think my favorite part was the food I got to try. Soup in a bowl made of bread, amazing chinese twice, seafood, and of course cheese and wine! The tournament we were at was ok. I got to sleep in for a change so that was nice. I got to live inside a barn to so that kept me a little warmer and away from the dangers of the course. So many good memories! The Twins game I went to was amazing as well! We won of course and faced an extra game that we went on to win, but I had to watch from a tv.I love my Twins!! I especially loved the dome sing-a-long when the word Detroit appeared and the whole crowd boo'd in the middle of the song! Next season will be a good one for us, I just know it! Well, I can't wait to see what I will be up to next! Have fun everyone and this weekend I would especially like to say GO EAGLES!!!!(I regret that I forgot them last week and truly apologize to my friend Todd!)
Monday, August 3, 2009
Time for Fall

Friends, I have been a very bad bunny. I have started writing like 5 blogs, but I never finished them! So this is my blog to catch up on the happenings in my life and hopefully I will be back on the path to keep them going! Since I last left you, I got to go to a fabulous parade with my friend Rose. We got pretty flowers, candy and food! I have played with my little toddler friends a few more times. They are so very entertaining, even to me! I got to go to NJ for a golf tournament with my owner. It was cool to see the lady with the torch n the harbor everyday. The weather was all over the map, but it was pretty good. After that came to the state fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That place is sooooooooo much fun! I ate things on a stick, went to a farm, watched a few shows and rode a bus. I did all of that just the first few days! I also got put on a stick! So many good memories from the that place, I can't wait till next year! (326 days!!) Since the fair ended, I have been resting and taking it easy. Gearing up for the fall weather and fun times ahead. I have done lots and lots of scrapping too! I spent like 3 whole days doing it! I like to be crafty! Its just hard with such little hands; everything is bigger than me! I am finishing the top of my canoe, but I think its too cold now to use it this year. I guess I should start working on that sled or 'yellow boat!' Well, I have to pack first and head out to CA with my owner for the next two weeks or so, then it will be time for apple picking, pumpkin picking, and more scrapping with my good friend Rose! Before I leave though, I get to go to the TWINS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooo excited for it! I love baseball! I like other sports to, but I have to help them win the pennant! To show my appreciation to everyone and there teams though, I will end with the following. Go Gophers, TWINS, WHITE SOX, Wild, Patriots, and Vikings.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Summer flying by!

This summer is going by so fast! I have done so many great things that it has left me little time to write to you all! I got to play with thsoe two cute kids Aurora and Bailey. They are so much fun and always have a lot of energy! Then I was off to the US Open with my owner. It was so wet in NY!!! Muddy and cold and rainy. i had to stay in my room most of the time so I didn't get dirty! It was great to people watch though and see what interesting creatures were on the course. Everyday when we arrived in our tent, we had a note from the night crew. It was pretty funny to read those. We also had the best neighbors ever! They were so nice and caring and willing to say what I wanted to, but couldn't. With all he rain we had to stay there a little longer. We didnt get to adventure into the city though as I was hoping too. I hope I gt to see that city soon though, it sounds like so much fun! Since I returned, I have played with those cute kids some more. I've been doing a lot of fun things at my house in the gardens and outside in general. My canoe is coming along. The bottom is still a bit tricky, but it is almost finished. I really hope to take it out on the waters next week! I have watched harness horse racing this past week as well. It is very interesting and fun to watch as the sunsets at night! Free and fun! Well, busy day for me tomorrow getting things set for the funday ahead on thursday! This weekend it is off to another golf course! More to come soon I hope!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Off the beaten path

"...cheer for the Minnesota TWINS today!" I had so much fun a few days ago when my owner brought me to a twins game. These guys hit balls really far and then try to run in a diamond shape as fast as they can before the other team catches it or tags them with it. It was a good game even though we lost. Too many fans for the other team though!! The weather lately has been great. nice, warm sunshine keeps me a very happy bunny! The last few days have been cloudy, but sun is just around the corner! I have been playing my guitar to keep me occupied lately, but I'm not very good. I just want to be able to play a few songs at least. It is hard being so small though trying to get things right. I am still trying to finish my canoe. I am having trouble finishing the bottom of it. I don't know what I will do! Ok, well I am going to go down to the lake and enjoy the night. Going to be a busy weekend for me! Love to all!
P.S. Any ideas on adventures I should take? Leave me a note and you may just see me out and about trying it out!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sunny Days........Keeping the Clouds Away!

Hello once again friends, neighbors and dirty republicans! I am sorry that I have been lacking in my blog, but with the beautiful weather we have had, I got a little side tracked! I have been out soaking up some rays from the big yellow burning ball thing, and I have been trying to finish building my canoe!(as you see in the picture above. My owner forgot to put her camera back to color though, sorry) I went bike riding, although I think they need to install a special bunny seats on those things! My owner gave me some of this clear, bubbly drink today since it was so hot and I was out of bunny juice. It gave me a lot of energy and made my tummy bubble. I have this new little friend sort of too. A friend of mine named him Chip, he is a chipmunk. He has been hanging around my house lately. He likes to eat nuts, corn, seeds, or whatever else we put out for the squirrels. He is so cute and funny to watch. I don't normally voice my political thoughts so openly, but I was watching the end of session the other night and I just want to say that all sides were trying, but when flat out lie to someones face I have an issue with it. The republicans promised to pass the revisers bill and because of the crap they tried to do to slow down the tax bill, no revisers bill ever got to the table. It makes me very angry and I just had to say it to someone! Anyways, I recently also participated in Race for the Cure with a few pals of mine!I couldn't believe the number of people I saw! I didn't see any bunnies though.I had some delicious fruit and milk and then we went off on a 5K walk. it was a bit chilly, but warmed up nicely by the end. It was for a good cause and I was glad I did it. I got to go to Sonic afterwards which was a nice treat and end to the day as well!!!! Well, I am getting sleepy, but I promise to write more again very soon. Thanks for the fun times friends!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Underwater Basket Weaving?
So, I told you all I was taking up a new sport. I know you have been anxiously awaiting my announcement. I guess you can tell by the title of this blog what that might be, well you are absolutely wrong!!! I thought I would throw you for a loop! However, I would like to learn how to do basket weaving above the water one day! I think it is something that I would be very good at. I have little hands and can move around a lot. I am so excited from my little friends Bailey and Aurora to come play with me tomorrow. I have so many things I want to do with them. To top of the night, we are going to Cossettas for dinner!!! Yummy in my bunny tummy! The weather will be great as well so that makes everything better. So, have I annoyed you yet? Are you frustrated? Is your mind going nuts trying to figure out what sport I am trying out? Well, I guess it's only fair if I tell you. Although you may not understand it, unless you have seen a certain show. Not a tv show either, an actual show show. Its a show that my owner and I saw at this state fair place. The place my owner likes a whole lot! Ok, ok here it goes. I am trying canoe jousting!!!! Surprised? I wanted to try something more challenging and exotic than the everyday things you hear about. Everything has some kind of ball in it. I needed to get away from that. I have a practice this weekend, so I will post some pictures. I hope the rest of you have an amazing and relaxing weekend. Never forget that bunny's are people too!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Adventures in BunnyLand

I'm late. I'm late, I'm late! I know I am late, but I hope that you enjoy this blog anyways! This week has been so busy for me. We have had some terrific weather and I tried to enjoy it as much as I could! I went to the library and got some new books for myself. Currently I am reading Hopping through life. It is a very carrotlicious novel. I have also been writing a lot and I even got to chat with my friend Rose!(see above photo) One thing I saw along my bike ride was a lot of bumper stickers on people's cars. Some were good and some were not. It made me think about this past election and how it is still going on!!!!!! I thought I would show my support for AL even though I don't have anywhere to put a bumper sticker or sign. I was such a good bunny this week that as a treat, my owner gave me chocolate!!!!!! She knows I like it, but I don't think she knows how much I love it!!!! I am a very hyper bunny now!!!!! I decided to take up a new hobby this weekend since it will be raining. I don't know how good I will be, but you will learn more about that on monday! I hope everyone else enjoyed the weather like I did. Try to have a good weekend and i will see you soon!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
What Easter is all about!
Easter is all about candy, chocolate, friends, family, fun and more. This Easter, the best holiday of the year, that is exactly what I got to do. I went on an adventure to see my little friends Bailey and Aurora. I traveled in the company of two other bunnys that were presents for the girls. We shared stories and enjoyed some beanie things that tasted like jelly. on the way. When we got there, we played soccer and rode bikes. I think I need to get one of those bikes for myself. It was a lot of fun, but the seat was kind of big for me. I got to eat some delicious berries and chocolates too. Then I played with some dolls that change clothes way too often. They were nice though and I had fun with them. I spent he rest of the day hanging out with some egg toys and smelling flowers. No egg hunt this year, but that's cool. I like that it is spring finally. I can wear my bunny shades and just relax on a chair outside. It is also funny to take my camera out and take some fun pictures of my adventures. I will post some pictures soon. Overall I had a good Easter and I can't wait to see what amazing adventures I will have this week in the warm weather! I think a nice drink would be a perfect way to celebrate!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April Fool's

Hello friends! Today is the first day of April, but its not very spring-ish outside. As a bunny, I was glad to see the snow go away and people beginning to plant those gardens full of carrots. Now, those gardens have a layer of white stuff on it! I guess for now I will have to stay inside for my food. Just under a week till the Twins take the field for their home opener game! I am very excited for baseball to start. I finished up my hockey stint about a month ago and I am ready for something new. About a week after that is my favorite holiday of the year, Easter! It's the time of year when I get to see all my fellow bunnies playing and having fun. We get lots of carrots and these little pebble or bean like candy things. Of course, no Easter is complete without chocolate as well. The best part of the day is the egg hunt! Sometimes they have little things inside to eat or play with. It's also fun because the eggs are so big! It takes a lot of energy to carry those to my basket. Well today is suppose to be full of tricks and jokes, but for me it's just another day. Here's to April and hope for not so many rain showers this month.
P.S. The picture above is from a recent adventure in Duluth, MN.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Go POTATOES!!!!!!!!!!!

Moorhead all the way! I know that tonight my potato friends will indeed pull of the championship! I just couldn't watch that other team win after what they did to us! I still don't agree with the call! I can take losing fairly, but this was not fair. Besides Hockey, I have been watching a little basketball. I fell asleep during the 5th OT the other night of the CUSE game. I hope that they win the championship though for my friends in NC!!! I miss them! I have been chatting with baby friends this week too, but they seem more interested in what my buddy Pegasus is doing. Sprite was absolutely delicious this week though. Ok, well I better get back to some hockey. Have a good week all! Go HM!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Skating to STATE!!!!!!!!!!
WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could not be a more happy bunny right now! Although I almost passed out several times, that game took a lot of energy and patience. I was biting my ears. With like 200 shots I knew it was only a matter of time for one to go in! My heart is still racing and my mind is still wide awake. These games definitely take a few years off your life our at least give you a few more grey bunny hairs. I don't know what else I can say. I am still just so thankful they pulled it out! There is nothing like hockey! Now I need to go work on my hockey outfit for next week! WE GOT A TITLE TO DEFEND!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The State of Hockey!!!!!!!!!!!!
God I love hockey! The nail biting, down to the wire, intensity is all so great, even though its not always easy to swallow! State Tournaments are a great place to get to,but for me, I don't think its gets much better than a standing room only at the Coliseum for a Hill-Murray/WBL game!(No, not just because I love the fair!)The atmosphere, the fans, its a one of a kind game that is just awesome!I will have my skates and stick next thursday, just in case they need a backup bunny!I know some of the rules so that counts for something right? I am so glad that I live in the state of hockey with all these amazing fans. It truly is time to make it the state sport! Best of luck guys! I know you will defend title!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Bridgets Birthday!
Happy birthday to bridget! I love you b! You give me lots of good bunny drinks and you play lots of fun games with me. I hope that you have an amazing day and get to do all the fun things you want to. Hopefully you eat something yummy and have some good dessert to! That's always the best part of anything! I am sending you lots of bunny love and hugs. I think you are cute and deserve the world. Have an absolutely amazing day b! You deserve it!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Did anyone else notice that ITS SNOWING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a very happy bunny! I like snow, especially when its the biggest storm of the season! I have already shoveled and played in it once today. Its very good snow for fort building. Too bad my pal Aurora isn't around to go for a ride on that yellow boat thing! It dresses the world in white and makes everything clean and ever so pretty. I know its probably no fun to drive in and such, but I can't help liking it! As much as I would love to be some place warm, I will settle for a wonderful, luscious snowfall. My owner said she did feed pudge today, os hwo knows what happen. Safe driving to all, I am going to go watch frosty returns! He is such a great guy!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
No sleep + 2 toddlers = Weekend

What a weekend I had! I didn't get much sleep at all with the 2 little friends of mine that came to play. They are very loud, whether they are awake or not! When they are awake though, there are always on the go. They remind me of my pink bunny friend named Energizer, the keep going and going! We had lots of fun though. We did a puzzle, Had a pizza party of sorts, played play-doh and made new things for bunny! We did a secret project which I can not reveal at this time, and we played with those same toys as always. There was this new toy in the mix, although he looked a lot like a real guy to me. Aurora kept saying he was a pumpkin, but I am not so sure. He had eyes, ears, feet, a mouth and hat. He went by the name Mr. Potato Head, but I am going to keep my bunny eye on him! The weekend did start out well though with a beautiful snowfall to make everything look a little prettier outside!(and to allow for us to go play in it, or at least ride yellow boats! he he he) Well, its been an exhausting weekend and I am ready to get some bunny sleep. I would like to end however by congratulating my friend Phil on a great victory today!(Let's do the same thing at the Open this year!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Happy Birthday to my friend Rose!!!!

Happy Birthday to Rose!!!! She is such a nice friend! She is so sweet and I wish her the best of everything for her birthday! I like hanging out with her and going on adventures! I have also had some tasty drinks with her! I tried to make her one of my famous Bunny cakes, but I guess bunny's aren't great with candles! I hope that you have a great day though and get lots of freebies! (You know you could go to Disney World for free today?!!!!) I have been relaxing and watching the snow melt otherwise. I hope it warms up soon. I have also been playing with my friend Pegasus. He's a lot of fun because he flys! Ok, well I have to get back to practicing my game. Have a great day Rose and to everyone else, send me some warm weather please!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Ready for some Football!!!
Hello everyone! I am so excited for the big game today. I will be watching it with my trusty companion Pegasus. We are cheering for the Steelers! Go Pittsburgh!!!!!!! We are going to have yummy munchies too like apple pizza and cheese and crackers and maybe even some gummy bears! (Well, at least I wish I had some of those!)I just got done playing with some little girls. They have so much energy! I was flying through some hoop things, went driving in cars and got hidden away. I did receive some food in the end of it all though. They were so sweet. I hope they come to see me again soon. 33 degrees today and beautiful. I still wish I was back on the beach with my best pals, but I will take what I can get. Maybe tonight I will have some rum for old time sake. Bunny like me like rum. We like fun drinks too. Ok, well have an amazing Sunday all and don't cry too hard later B&T, its my year for redemption!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The mouse, the weather and so much more!

Oh what a vacation I had! I met this great guy named Mickey! He was full of all sorts of wonderful information. I got to see a giant golf ball, I got to travel around the world, travel through the magic of movies, and go to the happiest place on earth! It was a very busy week full of fun and adventure. It was a bit chilly however. I didn't think it ever got to 31 degrees in Florida, but I guess I was wrong! Although a bit nippy, it made for some very short lines at some amazing rides. I saw singing pirates, birds and little people. I floated on boats and I sped down tracks. I was on planes, boats, buses, monorails and trains all in the same week. I had ice cream and waffles, chocolate mousse and chicken nuggets, and yes even some gummy bears! Fireworks, lights and music kept me going even when I was getting a little sleepy. There were so many things I got to do and so many memories and unforgettable moments that I got two share with two great friends. It was a great adventure and I can't wait to do it all again. Time to fly!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I'm off to see the Mouse!

The time has the Megan said to go to DISNEY WORLD! That's right, I leave tomorrow for the happiest place on earth!(or so they say) I have been very busy packing and making sure I have all of my bunny stuff with me. I am most excited to see some guy named Mickey. Supposedly this place is all about him. It should be a very interesting trip. I am excited to try out some rides and relax and warm up! Bunny's don't like the cold weather so much. I am sad though to be leaving my bunny bed and some of my other friends. The EAGLES are playing today though, GO EAGLES! A few weeks from now they will be in the Superbowl! It should be an exciting game! I am wearing white today to show my support. I hope my friend Todd has a good time watching the game and watching his team go all the way! Ok, well I am a very tired bunny after all this packing, so I better take a nap before the game. Talk to you all again in just over a week! Stay warm, stay cool, and have a fun week! I know I will!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Packing away
Hello everyone! I am in such a great mood! In one week I will be in sunny and warm Florida! 2 of my friends are coming along to hang out with me! Its going to be a lot of fun and it will be nice to get out of this frigid weather! I have been packing everything for my trip and planning a few last minute details. Other than that I have been cheering on EAGLES as they make there way to the Superbowl this year!!!! Go eagles!! Ok, well I better go build myself a fire to stay warm. Then maybe I will go play in a yellow boat outside. Packing away in my bunny bag..............
Thursday, January 8, 2009
When left alone...........

So today, some people came and took these water chemical machine things to the carpets upstairs. They were loud and a little scary. I took a nap with my owner at that time so I didn't have to watch it. Later on though, we were left alone and well, I had a little bit of fun. We couldn't put furniture back for 10-12 hours except the heavy stuff they put foam things under. I went exploring. I slept on the coach, pretended to be a tv and tried to well, blend in with my surroundings. It was fun, but a little boring. Not much I could really do with wet floors. On the other side of things, I keep having dreams about Disney World. I feel like I am leaving tomorrow and I have nothing ready! I can't wait to go though! It is sure to be lots of fun and I get to hang out with two of my best friends. Well, I better go eat something, the only thing I have had all day is a mimosa and we all know that is not good for a bunny like me.
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Year's Eve, I Think!

Hello again! I hope you are all enjoying 2009 so far. I know I am. I rang in the new year with a few of my good friends. We had some delicious little cheese cup things and somethings with corn. They were wiped out pretty fast. Drinking on the other hand was interesting. We had pink drinks and we all know how I love those! I only had two, but some say that was two too many. I slept my way into the new year the following day, but it was fun. I enjoyed playing spit and spit in the wind with my pals and farkel. Those games become lots of fun with little sleep and alcohol. Bunny's like myself should not be allowed to play such drinking games. The best part of the night was the ball thing on tv all lit up. I like balls especially when they are all sparkly and stuff. Ok, well I have to get back to play with my xmas pals before they go into hibernation. Talk to you all again soon!
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