Saturday, March 31, 2012

Oh, the places you go.

Hello again. As I write this I am trying to enjoy one of my last free weekends for a while. I will soon be departing for a whirlwind adventure down south and to the east coast. I had a wonderful time in Arizona and Miami. They were nice, warm places to escape to. I have been scrapbooking and playing with my nieces. I have been reading and doing some research to go visit my mouse friend named Mickey again. I have such a travel bug! Winter has come and gone and sadly we didn't get a lot of snow. I never got to try out my skis. Hopefully the warm weather stays around for a while though so I can take my boat out. Baseball season starts in just over a week to so I have been doing some batting practice. I hope my Twins do well this year! The other big thing coming up is the best holiday ever! Carrots, eggs, and all of my wonderful friends are out and about. Flowers are blooming and the sun is shining. I am just an all around happier bunny. Well, I guess I will go and warm up my ears with a drink or two. (No, not that kind of drink! Warm carrot juice silly!) Toodles!


Friday, January 13, 2012

The Mouse is calling....

Everywhere I go and everywhere I turn I see him. I see his home, his friends, his magical little world and so much more that I want to be a part of. I love that place so much. I didn't think I would, but I do. It's a place to go and just escape life. A place to just go back to being a kid and enjoying the simple things. I have enjoyed two adventures there with my owner and even though a trip may be on the horizon there in a year or so, I don't know if I can wait that long. I am doing everything I can to save/earn money to get there sooner. I am using search bars for point and doing surveys to earn gift cards. It would be awesome to be there in a month and a half, but even sometime within the next 6 months would be awesome. I can hear the pirates and little people singing, I can see elephants flying and princesses dancing and I can feel the happiness that place brings. Wish me luck on my quest!


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Yea, I know....................

I know this is only my 5th post this year. I really have no excuses. I guess as I get older it is just getting harder for me to remember to sit down and write to you all. I have been on many adventures the last several month and I wish I would have shared them more with you all. I am trying to get better and write you all at least once a month if not more. You are all amazing and I love spending time with each of you. Thank you for reading my blog and I promise I am trying to do better. (And not just because the red goblin is coming!)

It is December and it's my 2nd favorite time of year. Lights, winter friends and beautiful snow. It is all packaged together with family and good food that makes it such a magical time! My winter pals are coming over this week to play and we got a fresh snowfall just in time for them! I have cards to make and presents to wrap and baking to do. It is always busy for me, but I don't mind it. I have lots of people around to help me since somethings are hard when your small. Well, I have to go and dig out my hoppy stick and shovel, then I think it will be time to go to carrotland! Goodnight all!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Go Twinsy Twins!!!

Hi everyone! I was off on an adventure last month to the ballpark to see the Twins play. They won, of course! It was soo much fun. There were lots of people everywhere. There were lots of players and coaches too. The first song they sang was really good. There were fireworks and big jets and all sorts of things going on!Since that day, I have been to 2 other games and had so much fun!!! Hopefully they keep their winning streak alive tonight and win again! It has been such a busy month. I got to enjoy the best holiday ever with my favorite people ever! There was chocolate and eggs and bunnys galore! I got to see a movie the other night that was really funny too. Check out "Jumping the broom" and let me know what you think. We have had a few more doses of snow lately, but it looks like spring is here to stay now. It has been beautiful the last two days. Today I am going to play outside! Tomorrow I am going to see my little friends up north and celebrate Bailey's 1st Communion, then on Sunday I am off to Florida!! I am excited, but not ready for the massive heat they have down there! Its so icky! OH well, I am off to play, catch you all later! ~Bunny

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Showers are here

This year is going by so fast that its hard to keep up with. April is just beginning and I feel like if I blink I may miss the next few months. This is my favorite month because my favorite holiday is almost here! Chocolate, eggs, carrots and lots of other bunnys will be around to play with! I also get to see my family all together hopefully as well. I haven't been up to too much the past few months. I was in a parade, then went to AZ where it was really cold. I forgot my paw warmers; they would have been very useful. I came back and celebrated birthdays of two very special friends. Then I went to some hockey and basketball games that sadly didn't turn out they way I was hoping for. It was fun to go though. Now I am getting ready for spring and baseball season! I checked out a great movie the other day starring one of my best friends Eb. We don't see each other a lot, so it was cool to see what he has been up to. He has made some new friends and has gotten really good at the drums. He is super busy right now getting ready for Easter, but he promised to visit me near the end of the month! I am sure he will have even more stories for me then. I get to go on an adventure to the ball park on friday! Go Twins!! It's fun to welcome in spring by sitting outside and watching some baseball. Hopefully my owner finishes up my bat soon so I can start practicing for the lettuce league! I am going to go practice my hopping! Ta ta!


Friday, January 28, 2011

Look at this Photograph...!

Guess what I did????? That's right, I got all my bunny photos into one spot for you all to see! Well, almost all of them. I have a few my owner couldn't find, but those you can see in previous blogs, so not a big deal. I have had so many wonderful adventures! It's exciting to go through all the photos and see what I have done in my short little life. Besides working on that, I have been playing in the snow a bit. I spent last weekend with those two little girls Bailey and Aurora. They have so much energy and just love when I am around! Tomorrow its off to the winter carnival parade! Its always a good time. Well I am off to dream land, I can't keep my little eyes open. Ta ta.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

1, 1, 1, 1

So many ones everywhere today! It makes my little head spin. Well, its a new year and a new decade. I hope that this year I am able to write in here more. I know I say that every year, but my bunny life has been so busy that its hard. I also hope to eat more carrots. I need to be a strong and healthy bunny so that I can do all sorts of fun things. Last night I was a good bunny and just had punch and a few carrots before I went to bed at 3:30am! I did get awfully hyper though from the punch. There wasn't even any sprite or alcohol in it! It was fun to see the big glittery, sparkly ball drop from the sky to the top of that building. What better way to ring in the year then celebrating with friends too. My winter friends are still around so we hung out last night and had a small party of our own. It was lots of fun. I am still slowly, but surly working on my photos for you all. I didn't realize how many pictures my owner had taken. Its nice to see all that I have been able to do though. Although at times it makes me yearn to do them all again. I am sure that this year will only hold more adventures for me to take and new things for me to try. I can't wait to share them all with you. Thanks for reading my blog and hanging with me. I wish you all the bestest bunny year ever and hope that I get to see you all a lot in the next year. Happy Bunny year to one and all!
